Walnut Parsley Pesto Pasta with Jalapeño

Need to add some spice to your go-to pasta dishes? This one brings on the pow and the pizzazz by changing up the base of the pesto and adding an undercurrent of heat from a fresh jalapeño pepper. Super bonus points; this dish is made with chickpea pasta, yielding extra protein and gluten-free status, and it’s all the way vegan! Continue reading “Walnut Parsley Pesto Pasta with Jalapeño”

Vegan Taco Salad Tuesday

This recipe takes the glorious Taco Tuesday theme to a slightly greener (pun intended), and just as tasty place, by putting said tacos atop a bed of lettuce. Spiced up black beans and tofu laced with beets to add some extra color (and healthy goodness), plus all your favorite taco salad fixings and a creamy cashew herbed dressing.

And let’s not forget one of the best aspects of eating a taco salad: the shell! I created some baked tortilla chip strips to contribute that extra salty and crunchy aspect to round out this satisfyingly spicy meal.

Continue reading “Vegan Taco Salad Tuesday”

Hemp Tofu & Swiss Chard Vegan Zen Bowls

I adore sautéd greens. Add mushrooms, a protein and some sweet and spicy depth of flavor and you’ve created the perfect quick meal for me. This round, I’ve used hemp tofu (Tempt brand) for the protein, swiss chard for the greens and mushrooms, onion and tomatoes for added color, texture and flavor.

Continue reading “Hemp Tofu & Swiss Chard Vegan Zen Bowls”

Toasted Chickpea Red Chard Bowls

Curry spiced and pan-fried chickpeas placed atop a bed of luscious sautéed red chard with bell pepper, mushroom, and onions. Hearty. Delicious. Super easy to whip up for a quick weeknight meal after a long day. And super packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins. Continue reading “Toasted Chickpea Red Chard Bowls”

Pasta with Avocado “Cream” Sauce

Do you ever get the urge to binge on a giant bowl of pesto and/or creamy alfredo pasta? ME TOO!  Well I happily discovered a recipe that satisfies both the alfredo and pesto side of the spectrum without the cream or the cheese. In fact there is ZERO dairy unless you choose to add it. But you’d never know to taste it! So eat to your heart’s content. You’re body will thank you. My favorite part is being able to feel as though I’m binging on this dish and yet feeling light and not overly heavy and full after indulging. #winwin!

Continue reading “Pasta with Avocado “Cream” Sauce”

Sautéed Spinach Sausage Weeknight Mix

Greetings my friends. It’s been a long one of reorganizing life after a long girl’s weekend. We also awoke to severe forest fires in Ventura County. Close enough that the air is heavy with smoke and I’m trapped inside. Oh and it’s 3 weeks until Christmas and I’m leaving country in 8 days and (ok brain, they’ve heard enough…).

Long story short, I wanted an easy, fast dinner that was loaded with veggies, vegan and as comforting as they come after a long day. I headed toward the grocery store and let myself become inspired.  Voila, sautéed greens, veggie sausage and DONE! Continue reading “Sautéed Spinach Sausage Weeknight Mix”

Vegan Thai Stir Fry

I’ve been craving lots of greens and veggies this week. Normally that means lots of salads, but since it’s December and cold outside, salads didn’t seem very appealing. A stir fry was the perfect solution! Warm and packed with fresh crunchy veggies.  You can season a stir fry a million ways, and I elected to focus on Thai influenced flavors loaded with ginger, garlic and bright, fresh basil. Continue reading “Vegan Thai Stir Fry”

The Feel Good Burrito

Not too heavy, not to light, the feel good burrito gives you the comfort food aspect we all crave with a balanced addition of greens and mushrooms.

I made this for dinner for myself tonight. I was famished. It was cold. I wanted a burrito. I wanted green veggies. So I pulled all the things I wanted into the universe’s gift to man, the tortilla, and presto – the Feel Good Burrito is born! Continue reading “The Feel Good Burrito”