Who and what is Aliengyrl?

IMG_3875I am a yogi, a surfer, a nature goddess, a musician, an amateur chef, a marketing guru, an aspiring entrepreneur, an animal lover (especially doggies), 99.99% plant-based, an environmentalist and above all an aliengyrl.

What is an aliengyrl? A high school BFF creation turned lifestyle. A constant muse. A place to emerge and develop. The weird ones you kinda wanna/needa go talk to and hang with at the party. The beyond our atmosphere explorer, and ultimately confused, radical but undeniably lovable, kick-ass bitch who keeps you coming back for more. #aliengyrlz4life

This blog is meant to provide an outlet for creative expression (and periodic rants), a space to share culinary and crafting ideas, and medium to reflect upon and learn from my quest toward entrepreneurial success and other discoveries on this incredible journey called life.

Aliengyrl food philosophies – Cooking For Mother Earth:

*The ingredients are simple, but the flavor is strong. So there’s a lot going on for the palate to experience, but it all comes together in a very balanced finish.

*Next philosophy is sneak in veggies, fruits and/or protein into most of your meals.  A bean and cheese burrito is yummy, but a Feel Good Burrito will elevate your burrito happiness factor to new heights (and sneak in tons of vitamins). Sprinkle chia seeds on your oatmeal, try lentil pasta..and so on.

The Feel Good Burrito

*Final food philosophy: I came to this planet to do many things. One theme in this current chapter is to do my part in building awareness and excitement toward sustainability, primarily in the realm of food. The main players in the sustainability and climate change game are the food and agriculture industries and ultimately US, the consumers and eaters.

Ensuring we all have a world to enjoy together for generations to come, and a societal atmosphere that applauds sustainable creativity has inspired me to focus on creating Cooking For Mother Earth. I know there’s a way we can all work together to create a delicious, sustainable food universe, and part of that is through Cooking For Mother Earth.

Cooking For Mother Earth Means:

  • Mostly plant-based
  • Locally sourced
  • Minimally processed
  • Full of Flavor and LOVE
  • Bonus – Have fun and play. Cook it. Eat it. Love it.

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your time here. If you enjoy any of these recipes, I’ll be ever so grateful for a follow or tag on Instagram or Facebook.

Namaste & love,


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